About the Journal

Ambidextrous : Journal of Innovation, Efficiency and Technology in Organization s a prominent scholarly publication that focuses on advancements and developments in the realms of innovation, efficiency, and technology within organizational contexts. This esteemed journal serves as a platform for academic discourse and dissemination of research findings related to optimizing organizational processes, embracing innovative strategies, and leveraging cutting-edge technologies to enhance productivity and effectiveness.

Journal Title : Ambidextrous : Journal of Innovation, Efficiency and Technology in Organization
Initials : Ambidextrous
Frequency : June, December
E-ISSN 3031-7002 (30317002/II.7.4/SK.ISSN/01/2024)
Editor in Chief  : Tonny Yuwanda
DOI Prefix : https://doi.org/10.61536/ambidextrous
Publisher : Takaza Innovatix Labs

Current Issue

Vol. 2 No. 01 (2024)
Published: 2024-08-24


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